Part 27: Anime Kururugi Meets the Folks

Shopping list:
Wild boar that lives in the mountains

So you'd fuckin' think that this plot important encounter would just be here but noooooooooooo, we gotta wait for it to randomly happen like some SHMUCK.

And our battle model is still the same as always, whether they couldn't change it within the confines of the engine or they didn't feel like doing it for one fight.

It's a fuckin' pig, how do you think the fight goes?

Of course it is. We're in the mountains.

So they got Rin already. That sucks. Oh well, it's time to go back to the castle. Nothing much else to say except at one point Kagura refers to the castle as Naraku's house which tickles me.


I wanna see what Naraku's got in his room.


Hey egg sac, could ya cut it out, there's kids present.

So yeah, here's Kanna, one of Naraku's incarnations. She's really only here because she was around in the dub of the anime at this time. She'll have a couple appearances shortly after this and just fuck off forever.
She's got a mirror, and she uses it to steal souls, and Anime's getting some bad vibes from it.

We will stop it with ease.


An artist really only has so many character designs in them, yo. Rumiko's served her nickel, give her a break.

Anime asks Utsugi if she knows how to get her home and Utsugi...

...challenges us!

Doesn't go well.

Great, now the gig's REALLY up.

They seem to suggest that Naraku brought us here for Utsugi, but to what end?

They also put us in jail. And somehow have our old clothes for us.
Utsugi also tells us that there's a barrier keeping us in and that we need to wreck that big rock in the courtyard to get out so thanks for the tip.

Anyway, Mayor Pete here is hungry. Might be useful info.

Good thing I still have this wild boar meat. Mountain to plate.

How's that working for you?

We tell Rin she's gotta get outta here and she follows us.

Worth a shot. We leave Rin behind for some reason and head off.

Ba-boom, fuck you. We're about to head back, when...

Don't move, they can't see anything standing still.

They talk about how both Sesshomaru AND Inuyasha are heading to the castle and I'm still not entirely sure what their endgame with Sesshomaru is. I kill him? I don't think Sesshomaru was ever that interested in Naraku, at least not at this point.

At this point, we're given the choice to go to Inuyasha or Sesshomaru. This is a big turning point for the secret Sesshomaru route and I honestly don't know what happens when you go for him. It's honestly a surprisingly big blind spot I have with this game.

The boy!

You're supposed to be....dumb.

Little trash talk happens and Kagura just bolts. Oh well, we're back with the fam!
And Miroku.

Wait, we've been gone for like 4 months.

I know she looks like me, but didn't you get sus when our voices were different?

It's Utsugi, y'all.

We hem and haw a bit about that, and get right back to business.

They both do cool guy shit before we come along

There's some boring back and forth and Naraku farts at us.

After this, he and Sesshomaru get the heck out. Cool.

Oh hey Rin's safe that's nice.

The party is all finally back together, and we'll bust outta here next time.
I'm also basically done with this one fuckin' recording it's been 4 months aaaaaa